How to work for a WOW company – How to transform yours Into one

By Rick Grbavac The idea of creating a “wow” experience really clicked with me this morning.  When put in context of an article I read last week, “The One Thing You Need to Create WOW Experiences,” in which the author, Michael Hyatt,  discusses the attainment of competence in organizations, I asked myself, “Do I want to work for a company that is WOW or one that is competent?” Michael Hyatt mentions five obstacles to creating the WOW:  Time, Resources, Experience, Committee and Fear.  We seem to run into all five of these excuses when trying to engage new clients in our solution.  Here are some of my ideas on avoiding the excuse mentality:

  • Take time to think and plan. The first 15% of any initiative determines whether it will be a success or failure.
  • If it is important to the organization, make a good assessment of the ROI and invest the money. How many times would you like to give me a dollar if I gave you back $10?
  • Look to your top performers – who are probably your positive deviants –  for your experience. They have already figured out the way to be successful in your culture and organization. Tap into what they do and how they think.
  • I’m all for inclusion, but sometimes committees get in the way. Have some figs and drive for the wow.
  • Fear is crippling. Take the leap and learn from it. New is not always bad. It can inspire a company to look at issues with a new set of eyes and come up with better answers.

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