Talent, ideas, and patience: so many great ideas take time to pay off
By Rick Grbavac Jim Clifton, CEO and Chairman of Gallup, comments in The Gallup Management Journal : “In the world we’re competing in now, solving problems isn’t about spending money. It’s about understanding and managing ideas and talent — and states of mind. That’s where the new leadership breakthroughs will be. Leaders who can quantify states of mind and make decisions about their constituencies based on that information are the ones who will lead the world.” This makes perfect sense to me. But when he goes on to say that companies have maxed all of the benefits of performance improvement ideas, I think he has been sitting in his office a little too much. I think leaders have a tendency to want to talk about the next shiny ball and have trouble staying with good ideas that just take time to fully pay off. The idea of tapping into the ideas, beliefs and actions of the 1 in 10,000 is exactly the right idea. He just left off the part about getting the other 9,999 to embrace those ideas and truly elevate performance.]]>