Commit to your goals and talk about them
By William Seidman Do you make lists? Better yet, do you write down your goals? At Cerebyte we’re huge proponents of writing down goals, of creating a “purpose statement” and of discussing the statement and your goals with colleagues and friends. A study conducted by Dominican University psychology professor Gail Matthews provides further support to the Cerebyte approach of having people write down their purpose statement and discuss it in a group. The study found that people are far more likely to follow through on a goal if they write it down, commit to finishing it and share it with a friend. Dr. Matthews stresses the importance of accountability, commitment, and writing down one’s goals. This is certainly what we observe, and making it a habit strengthens its effectiveness. In addition, when the goal is involves the creation of a greater social good, people get very enthusiastic and the follow-through is even more robust.]]>