By William Seidman
Persuasive technologies are designed to drive changes in people’s beliefs, values and actions. On a mass scale, this is exactly what is required to transform entire organizations.
Through our experiences over the past 12 years, we have developed a methodology for organizational transformation that leverages persuasive technology.
This specialized process consists of four components, each supported by a specific area of research: Set-the-Bar, Motivate Change, Sustain Change, and Scale the Change.

Positive deviant wisdom, or the wisdom of the star performers, is used to initially set the bar for the organization. People are motivated to embrace the stars’ wisdom by persuasive technologies that are built on the concept of fair process.
Recent advances in the neuroscience of positive visualization and affirmation, when incorporated into persuasive technologies, further motivate adoption of the change. Neuroscience also drives long-term persuasion of individuals within the organization.
Finally, the concept of mass customization enables each person within the organization to have a unique experience with the persuasive technology, driving quick adoption by mass numbers of people.
Companies using this approach have seen remarkable, positive change within their organization, enabling them to generate millions of dollars in additional sales and profits.]]>