Advice for the social-focused leader: find your purpose
goal-focused or social-focused, and when one area of the brain is engaged, the other area goes on vacation. “If someone is lacking goal-oriented skills,” Rock wrote, “they may be great at parties but they aren’t going to steer the ship in a direction that achieves business objectives.” Here’s some advice for the social-focused leader: In order to build your goal-oriented skills, you must find a purpose. In our work with star performers, we have found that they always have a profound, compelling sense of purpose that is aligned with a desire to improve the world for other people. And they get things done. Nothing gets between these people and achieving their mission, whatever the circumstances or situation. They are admired throughout the organization for who they are as much as for what they do. This passion for and commitment to achieving a greater social good looks and functions much like Dan Pink’s “purpose” in DRiVE. Pink’s extensive research into motivation shows that one of the most important motivating factors is having a higher “purpose” for your work. This purpose is always about creating a greater social good for others. It is simultaneously far-reaching and humbling, compelling but hard to achieve. This sense of purpose also benefits an organization in times of transition. When an organization tries to change its culture, processes or products, most people resist. When people see how the changes align with their own purposes, they are far more likely to embrace the changes. It’s essential for leaders to establish a strong sense of purpose in themselves and their employees. With a sharp focus, goal-oriented skills improve and business objectives can become a reality.]]>