How do coaches benefit from affirmative leadership?
In Phase 1 of our Affirmative Leadership program, the company identifies its star performers and invites them to participate in a workshop designed to discover their wisdom. In Phase 2, the project team prepares the stars’ wisdom for transfer to others by creating a learning program. Next, the company chooses its coaches who will guide a learning group of potential leaders through their development program. In Phase 3, coaches meet with their learning group of potential Affirmative Leaders and begin teaching them. By the end of the workshop, participants are both highly motivated and ready to start an intense learning experience. We’ve focused on what potential leaders get out of the learning group, but what about the coaches? Recent feedback from a coach using our system provides valuable insight into how coaches are affected by the coaching process: “Weekly coaching helps to tame the wild, over-confident, know-it-all in me. As a result, I’m a better listener, more patient with others, and less directive but still strategically collaborative. Ultimately, it guides me toward becoming a more well-rounded leader in both work and personal life…whether I think I need it or not.” “When I started coaching SLA (VLA for Safety), I realized that I didn’t necessarily ‘want’ to lead the weekly coaching sessions, but I ‘needed’ to in order to become a better leader, a better employee, and a better everyday guy. The one day of the week that I coach VLA for Safety makes the 6 other days of the week that much better, meaning I’m a better leader, a better employee, and a better husband/father.”]]>