Uncovering your most undervalued asset
Several years ago, I wrote about how companies lose some of their best people to retirement. Yet many organizations don’t seriously consider the impact of losing so much knowledge and expertise. They seem to undervalue their older workers and the expertise they have acquired over their careers. A recent blog post on The HR Capitalist raised a related issue. In “Moneyball: Is the Talent World’s Most Undervalued Asset Old People?” HR specialist Kris Dunn asserts that older workers are deeply experienced yet often overlooked because of the extreme ageism that exists in the workplace. Dunn cites a 2013 article in the New York Times. In the article, Paul Graham, a programmer and investor, talks about how investors tend to shy away from mature prospects. “The cutoff in investors’ heads is 32,” Graham says. After 32, they start to be a little skeptical.” Thirty-two? That cutoff eliminates a huge portion of the workforce—a portion that has honed its skills and acquired vast experience. “Our natural instinct is to do what others do,” Dunn writes. “Reach for the energy of the young person. Be skeptical whether the professional in his 50s has what it takes to climb the mountain again. …But, if you also believe in the Moneyball approach—that assets ultimately get undervalued as the pack chases what’s hot—it’s clear what the undervalued asset is.” Read the full post at hrcapitalist.com.]]>