How to create a culture of caring
Simon Sinek is getting a lot of response to his video called, “Why Leaders Eat Last.” The video is an entertaining review of some of the basics of neurochemistry and how they affect people in the workplace. His basic message is that the key to success is people consciously taking care of each other. Taking care of others releases oxytocin and creates a safe, productive, and healthy environment. While this is very good information, he only gets to the “so what” in the last two minutes of a 45-minute video. The problem is that he provides no guidance on how to apply this good information to individuals or to even more challenging corporate cultures. Here’s how organizations can create cultures that align with Sinek’s perspectives:
- Guide the star performers to create a collective, compelling purpose statement.
- Proliferate the purpose statement in a way that honors everyone’s participation (alignment on purpose goes far to reduce fear and boost safety).
- Create a collective path to mastery and follow it until everyone is great at his or her jobs.