Advice for new graduates that benefits everyone
In “Dear Graduates: 12 Ways You can Have a Happy, Healthy Career,” Forbes contributor Jennifer Warawa wrote about participating in a high school career day and shared her surprise at one of the questions students repeatedly asked her: “How stressful is your job?”
Really? Kids are already thinking about work-related stress in high school? As Warawa points out, this is most likely a result of witnessing their parents in stressful, unhappy careers.
Warawa goes on to offer advice for new graduates—advice that their parents should probably listen to as well.
At the top of the list is “Find out what you love to do and do it.” After you’ve been in a career for 20 years, this tidbit of wisdom can sound like too little, too late. But as Warawa says, “If you’re feeling stuck in a job, or you’ve lost all enthusiasm about going into work each day, it might be time to revisit your career goals.” It’s never too late to make a change and reinvent yourself.
One of the points I like most was “Choose to be positive.” Yes, being positive is a choice that we have to make every day. If you’re stressed and unhappy in your current position, complaining won’t make a difference. Be proactive; think about what you want in a career and go for it.
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