How to motivate your employees
We write a lot about the importance of motivation and why it’s imperative that leaders know how to motivate their staff members. This article on LinkedIn by Richard Jongsma offers some helpful reminders on how to effectively motivate people. We can all use some reminders from time to time, right?
Here are a few of Jongsma’s ways to motivate your staff and jumpstart productivity:
Grant autonomy and empowerment. Allow employees the flexibility to do their jobs and make their own decisions. “When you empower employees, you grant them a level of autonomy to act more entrepreneurial in their tasks,” Jongsma writes. “They can make more decisions, are responsible for more tasks and they thus feel more connected and accountable for their work.”
Allow responsibility and accountability. Similar to granting autonomy, when you delegate responsibility and accountability, your staff will feel more invested in their work. “This responsibility not only pushes your employees to deliver, but gives them a greater feeling of accomplishment when they do.”
Foster positive culture. “Create an atmosphere for your company that is open, enjoyable and empowering to your employees and you will find it much easier for your staff to stay motivated.”
Give praise and feedback. Reward good work. Let your people know when they are doing a good job. This simple step can go a long way in motivating some employees.
Work in teams. “Working in teams can be a very powerful motivator, since people have social affiliation needs and hope to be a team player.” People like to feel as if they are contributing to something larger than themselves and are making a valuable contribution to the team’s success.
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