Common phrases to avoid when giving a speech
Leaders give speeches every day to close deals, present ideas, gain trust, motivate employees and grow their organization. The best leaders know how to use language that captivates and motivates others. However, even the best public speakers occasionally use certain phrases and words that can damage credibility and cause doubt. It is important to be aware of these when you give a speech.
According to Darlene Price, president of Well Said, Inc. and author of Well Said! Presentations and Conversations That Get Results, the top phrases to avoid saying are “I’m sorry,” “I’m not as prepared as I would like to be,” “I’m tired,” “I already covered that. Weren’t you listening?” and “I’m nervous.”
Never say “I’m sorry” (unless you’re giving a public apology) it can make you sound less credible. For example, if an audience member asks you to speak louder, instead of saying “Oh, I’m sorry” say “of course, I’d be happy to.” Speakers tend to apologize when they think they made a mistake. Saying “I’m sorry” will only make it appear that you made an error and it will call attention to the mishap which could have gone on unnoticed.
A phrase that will almost always damage a leader’s reputation is “I’m not as prepared as I would like to be.” This tells the audience that you’re making excuses and did not consider the occasion a top priority. Every leader should always be prepared no matter what. Stating that you’re not informs the audience that you might be an amateur. If you are, they don’t need to know.
If you’re tired, regardless of the reason, don’t announce it. Your audience wants and expects a great presentation. Saying that you’re tired will make the audience uneasy and less enthused about your performance. Don’t disappoint by telling them that you’re not giving it your all. This goes along with informing them that you’re not prepared. You’re only setting the audience up to be disappointed.
When an audience member asks a question about a point you already made don’t say “I already covered that. Weren’t you listening?” This will shame and embarrass the audience member and it will make you appear rude or arrogant. Simply give them the benefit of the doubt, politely answer their question and avoid becoming critical and defensive.
Bear in mind that even the greatest public speakers get nervous it’s a sign that they care, just don’t announce it. Saying you’re nervous could reduce the confidence that the audience has in you to deliver a great speech. Instead try to manage that nervous energy don’t eliminate it. The adrenalin pumps you up and helps to deliver a great performance.
And always remember to stand tall, smile, maintain eye contact and enthusiastically deliver a powerful message. When you channel nervous energy into your performance (in a positive way) you will deliver a great speech. You will not only feel the energy on the inside but it will be visible on the outside. As a result, the audience will believe that you are a confident and credible speaker and remember, stay away from those forbidden phrases!
Source: Business Insider]]>