Turning learners into leaders
To some, disruption is a scary word. But to many, it’s a pathway to a better outcome. Did Amazon and Uber scare people when the companies started? Possibly. But the concept for these companies was based on forward-thinking ideas and both companies have changed the way their respective industries work. In my recent blog post…
Read MoreMaking Promotions Work — Fast
Promoting someone is almost always a positive event for an organization. A person’s past accomplishments are recognized and a new opportunity is created for the person and the organization. It’s very exciting and energizing when someone gets a promotion. But newly promoted people often struggle with significant changes to their role and work. Many of…
Read MoreDisruptive Technology for Leading, Learning and Organizational Transformation…Speed, Speed and More Speed
We live in a Twitterized world. Everything is in 140 characters…or now its 280 characters. The fast-paced, “what have you done for me lately” world has made it even more challenging for companies and their employees to be successful. Most leadership initiatives and change programs take days, weeks and sometimes years to complete and, honestly,…
Read MoreCerebyte’s Sofia program helps speed leadership transformation
In an earlier post, I referred to a situation where a technical leader used our Cerebyte Sofia online learning platform to develop a best practice in just 1.5 hours. The situation that prompted this initiative is a real and common problem in a lot of organizations. Specifically, this organization recognized that the standard practice of…
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