Thinking about "tribes"
By William Seidman Just watched an interesting TED talk by USC faculty member David Logan about “tribes.” Tribes are, according to Logan, groups of people that function in specific ways. There are five levels of tribes and people have always, and will always, form tribes. The more basic, at Logan’s Level One, is a tribe of the disaffected – think gangs and prisons. The most advanced are people who come together to change the world. One of the results of our group coaching process is to form a tribe that is at least at level 4: people working together around a set of core values. Level 4 isn’t about changing the world, but about a sense of unity of purpose, which always emerges in the group coaching for which Cerebyte is known. But as people advance in the best practices, particularly in the Affirmative Leadership programs, they always move toward level 5 because they become committed to expanded impact on a greater social good. It’s nice to see that we are a means of moving people systematically and quickly to level 5.]]>