Turn raw experience into effective learning
By William Seidman The key to making your stars shine is instituting an effective learning strategy that transfers their positive wisdom to the rest of your workers. By using the methods of affirmative leadership that Cerebyte endorses and has articulated in The Star Factor , we have helped dozens of companies to identify and articulate the greatness of their star performers. We help them find out who their best and most effective employees are and what, exactly, it is that makes them so good at what they do. But this is only the first part of the equation. Your star performers are already performing well – it helps to find out who they are and why, but what you really want is a way to transfer their experiences to the rest of your workers, to transform the raw experience of star performance into techniques for effective learning. This is where The Star Factor can help, providing not only specific instructive examples, but a plan for how to proceed. Your stars have already provided the material for these learning programs, but it needs to be transformed into something that can be transferred throughout your company. Cerebyte has developed techniques that draw from the field of neuroscience to make sure these learned behaviors stick and are transferrable. Conscious and frequent repetition of tasks helps create new mental pathways and solidifies the task as a habit. Short, engaging exercises stop employees from becoming bored or distracted. The right learning experiences can transform your workers almost overnight. Learning how to express and transfer the high-performance qualities of your stars can be difficult, but the rewards are potentially unlimited. Unlocking the star factor in all of your workers is possible, and can help your company reach the top of its potential. ]]>