Get the respect you deserve
Leaders in every organization need to be taken seriously in order to command the respect of their employees and peers. Here are a few simple ways to be taken seriously.
First of all, let people talk about themselves. According to Harvard research, when someone talks about themselves it stimulates the same brain regions as a good meal. And the Scientific American reports that activation of this system when discussing one’s self may be inherently pleasurable. When people share their experiences with others they become vulnerable and will form a social bond, leaving them more likely to invest in your welfare.
Appearance is also a major way to get people to take you seriously. According to Princeton researchers it takes 100 milliseconds to register a first impression. That’s not a lot of time so you better make sure you nail it from the start. Sylvia Ann Hewlett, author of the Executive Presence, says it boils down to polish, grooming and being put together. It’s not about whether you have a few extra pounds or what designer you’re wearing.
When you greet someone for the first time (aside from being well-groomed) be sure to have a strong handshake. Make eye contact, smile, square your shoulders, have a good grip, elbow erring toward a right angle and do not pump the hand (unless the other person does). A good handshake is crucial because it shows that you’re paying respect to that person and in turn they will give you respect.
Also, make sure to have good posture. It will have a huge effect on self-confidence and how other people perceive you. Try doing the standard power pose; keep your shoulders open and arms wide. This will tell your hormone system to release the chemicals needed to make you look and feel more confident. MIT professor Andy Yap says, “If you take an expansive pose it can actually lead to power.”
Another important thing is to be informed on current events, not just what’s relevant to your industry. Roberta Matuson, author of Suddenly in Charge, says you need to be up to speed on changes in your industry so you can talk about them intelligently. But, you also need a broad range of knowledge from science to pop culture. And remember to always be prepared; ignorance is one of the least respectable traits.
When giving a speech or presentation numbers are not always enough to impress people. For instance the majority of speeches from “TED talks” are 65% stories and only 25% figures. Stories will humanize you and help the audience to connect. Make sure to watch your tone as well. “Upspeak” – when you say a statement with the intonation of a question, will make you sound unsure of yourself. In a recent study of 700 professionals 57% said they think upspeak makes people less credible, even if what they’re saying is completely true.
And lastly, stay confident and humble. Anthony K. Tijan, coauthor of Heart, Smarts, Guts, and Luck: What it Takes to Be an Entrepreneur and Build a Great Business, says you need enough self-confidence to command the respect of others, but you also need to realize there is much that you don’t know. The more you understand how little you know the more eager you will be to learn.
Try some of these steps and soon you will be able to command the respect of everyone.
Source: Business Insider]]>